End of Summerxml

The summer has come and gone yet again, just as it promises it will do every year. And as upsetting as this is, we all secretly look forward to back to school shopping and writing in a clean notebook. We will miss the beach but we look forward to seeing our roommates. We won’t barbeque as much but we will make up for that with Halloween candy and turkey dinner. Our weeks will be full of writing papers and studying for tests but the weekends will be filled with friends and family. Our calendars will have deadlines and due dates as well as a countdown to Winter break.  The leaves will change colors and our shirts will go from sleeveless to sweaters in a matter of days but hey, sweaters are cozier anyway. The sun may not be as strong and the temperature may not be as high but that’s why we have warm coats and boots.

See, when you think about the fall, winter, and back to school this way, it doesn’t seem as bad. We need to keep in mind that there a great things about every season. We may not realize it as we are being care-free during the summertime but everybody misses something about the fall and winter seasons. Personally, I love the feeling of being organized and in a school routine. I enjoy waking up early for class and having the entire day ahead of me. What I love the most is watching the leaves change colors and the calm before the first snow fall. Now go ahead, admit it, you love those things too. Here are a few tips to help you transition from summer to fall.

  1. Stay organized. Making lists are the best way to stay organized. Check off the items you have already bought or the tasks you have already completed. This keeps your mind clear and prevents you from forgetting anything important. Lists work great when preparing to go back to school, going grocery shopping, and when deadlines are approaching quicker than you thought.
  2. Complete the last few items on your bucket list. If you’re the kind of person who has a summer to-do list, time is running out. Make sure you take that road trip to California that you’ve been planning or get a bunch of friends together for a scavenger hunt because back to school is right behind us.
  3. Put your summer clothes away and break out the scarves. Now that summer is winding down, it is time to think about reorganizing your closet. Move the short sleeves and dresses to the back and the long sleeves and sweatshirts to the front. The cold weather is going to come faster than we’d like it too.
  4. Go shopping. That’s necessary for new back-to-school clothes, right?
  5. Time management. Now is the time to give yourself some relaxation time before the madness that is school work begins. Give yourself a solid week to do nothing but organize your thoughts and get together with your friends. 

–Amanda Pryor

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