Halloween Party Tipsxml

Halloween has long been a favorite holiday of a few of our team members here at Penta.

It’s a welcomed excuse to dress up, experience a guilt free sugar high, and of course throw a fantastic party.  Since many others have the same idea, I thought I’d share a few quick ideas to take your party up a notch.  Let’s face it, candy corn and a keg in the corner only cut it in college.

Creating the atmosphere is so easy this time of year.  There’s no need to go as far as turning your apartment into a certified haunted house.  Please start by ditching the plastic images of witches and ghosts.  Cut the lights and put candles on every available space.  Nothing says scary as well as shadows flickering across the walls.

Gradually adjust the music to change the momentum of the party.  As your guests enter pipe spooky noises throughout the house and then move onto theme songs reminiscent of our favorite villains.  Reserve the Thiller soundtrack until you want to get people moving.  When you’re ready for things to die down (excuse the bad pun), return to the spooky noises.

I’ve often seen that a great party is gauged by the caliber and presentation of the food and snacks.  This holiday is a great opportunity to take a more literal spin on finger foods.  For a bloody accent drizzled across plates mix simple syrup with red and blue food coloring. Serving any red colored shots?  How convenient that shooters look so much like test tubes.  Before you hit the kitchen or start mixing drinks please do me one favor… be aware if any of your guests have a weak stomach.  Gory images combined with too much liquor can serve to ruin even the best party.

If you have any specific questions for your upcoming Halloween party, shoot me an email at bkramer@pentaevents.com.

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